Saturday, January 31, 2009

How to Beat the Competition

By Stephen Martile

Ignore your competition. Yup, you heard me right.

You see there is this idea out there that you have to compete to get ahead; that competing will move you ahead in life, and that's just not the truth.

You see, when you're competing, you're coming from your ego-mind or fear based mind.

You see, the whole idea that there is "not enough" is rooted in fear. This is the scarcity mindset or what my friend Julia calls the "scare-city" mindset.

And that my friend is just not the truth.

The truth is that there is more than enough for everyone.

Are you saying there isn't competition?

Well yes, there is competition, but not the way you think. The only competition you'll ever encounter, is your ego-based mind.

You see, I've had this insight around the whole idea of competition. Just think of the way you bake a pie. Everyone who has ever baked one, bakes it a different way.

Some of you may think you're pie isn't good enough, that it has too many apples, or that it isn't sweet enough. Some of you may think you're pie is too small.

And I'm going to tell you that it doesn't matter how you bake your pie. There will always be someone who will like your pie.

Do you know why?

Well it's quite simple. There will alway be someone who likes your pie because of the way you make it.

It's your special creation.

Want a richer life? Don't compete, create.

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